Simplify Feature Flag Management with Progressively

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In today’s fast-paced digital landscape, businesses are constantly under pressure to deliver new features and updates to their applications at an increasingly rapid pace. ’s Progressively offers a cutting-edge solution for feature flag management, A/B testing, and analytics. This article delves into the features and benefits of Progressively and explores how it simplifies the process of feature flag management while prioritizing user privacy.

Streamlined Feature Flag Management

Instant Rollouts and Gradual Deployments

With Progressively, developers can initiate instant feature deployments. By gradually revealing concealed features to users, they have the flexibility to address any issues swiftly by toggling the activation. Additionally, hesitant about unveiling a new feature? Dip your toe in the water by introducing it to just a small percentage of your audience to gauge its impact.

Scheduled Deployments and QA in Production

Progressively also offers scheduled deployments, enabling businesses to plan product or feature launches efficiently. Additionally, by allowing quality assurance directly in the production environment, the platform eliminates the need for intermediate staging environments, providing a smarter approach to feature testing and deployment.

Privacy-Focused Analytics and Community Involvement

A key highlight of Progressively is its privacy-centric approach to analytics. The platform ensures that user data remains secure and anonymous, aligning with modern privacy standards. Furthermore, the emphasis on community involvement creates a collaborative environment that encourages users to influence the development of the tool and engage with like-minded professionals.

Why Choose Progressively?

Open Source and Self-Hosted Solution

Progressively is built with a strong emphasis on community collaboration. The open-source nature of the solution allows for contribution and collaboration from a wide array of developers. Additionally, the self-hosted aspect ensures that businesses have complete control over their data without any external interference.

Privacy-Centric Approach

User privacy is a fundamental aspect of Progressively. The platform does not store any identifiable information about users and ensures that data remains protected. By utilizing server-side rendering and maintaining a small web library, Progressively prioritizes privacy without compromising on performance.

Realtime Updates and Seamless Integration

The platform offers real-time updates through the use of Websockets, enabling users to stay informed about feature flag evaluations. Moreover, with compatibility across various web frameworks, such as Next.js and Remix, Progressively seamlessly integrates into existing tech stacks with minimal impact on performance.

Getting Started with Progressively

Instance Setup and Feature Flag Configuration

The process of setting up Progressively involves creating a self-hosted instance, followed by the configuration of the initial feature flags. This seamless setup allows businesses to swiftly integrate the platform into their development workflow, ensuring a hassle-free onboarding experience.

SDK Integration and User Experience

Progressively provides a range of Software Development Kits (SDKs) for easy integration into different codebases. By providing a smooth and efficient process for adapting to feature flag evaluations, the platform ensures a seamless user experience while harnessing essential insights from the feature flags.

Making Informed Decisions with User Insights

Upon successful integration, businesses can access valuable insights derived from user interactions with the various feature flags. This data-driven approach enables informed decision-making when it comes to deploying new features and understanding user behavior.


With its privacy-centric approach, seamless feature management capabilities, and emphasis on community collaboration, Progressively stands out as a robust solution for businesses seeking to streamline their feature flag management processes. By prioritizing user privacy and providing a range of innovative features, Progressively empowers businesses to make informed decisions and enhance the user experience seamlessly.

Are you ready to simplify your feature flag management with Progressively? Get started and join the journey toward seamless feature deployment and privacy-centric analytics.